By Sarah Wormald

Bangka 01

Image courtesy of GotMuck

The beautiful island of Bangka sits in the heart of the Coral Triangle in Indonesia. Its white sand beaches, crystal clear water, endemic species, traditional way of life and phenomenal coral reefs make it an idyllic diving destination. But for 8 years it has been threatened by corruption and illegal mining, which has left forest areas damaged, mangroves destroyed, islanders distressed and the diving community angered.

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By Vanessa Mignon

As I look at the dozens of shark fins breaking the surface, I cannot help thinking about my mum’s face if she could see what I am about to do. Here I am, in the Bahamas, getting ready to jump in the middle of sharks!

I gear up, thinking about the crew’s advice; when you get in the water, go straight to the bottom. There is no cage and no protection, just my camera and the hope that I am too skinny to be even considered as finger food! My heart is full of excitement and anticipation.

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By Cristina Zenato


What is conservation?

On many occasions I receive messages and questions from people interested in contributing to conservation. The general feeling is that they need to do something special, or different or work directly in the field like I do in order to be considered conservationists. But in truth what is conservation?

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Ocean Geographic Explorer (OGX) is a diving adventure resource with a special focus on marine photography and ocean conservation. Our content is divided up into six primary categories: Travel, Sea Science,  Equipment, Photography &Video, Conservation, and Lifestyle. We endeavor be a portal for people with all levels of interest in the marine environment  to learn about and become part of a community of like-minded ocean lovers who enjoy sharing their knowledge of and experiences in our fascinating ocean world.

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